$GRASS Now Verified on MuesliSwap

As of the 23rd June 2022, $GRASS token is available to buy and sell on Museli’s Instant Swap feature.
MuesliSwap is the first decentralized exchange on Cardano, providing the Cardano community with a smart contract-powered trading platform since November 2021. Also operating MuesliSwap on Milkomeda and Cowswap, a DEX on Smart Bitcoin Cash, their goal is to become a leading multi-chain DEX and GOAT Tribe is proud to hold verified status on their platform.

For more information, please connect with MuesliSwap via:
Website: https://muesliswap.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MuesliSwapTeam
Telegram: https://t.me/muesliswapADA
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/vHzSXRWBJR
Please note, there are two GRASS tokens listed on MuesliSwap. We are working to have the unverified token removed. Please only transact with the verified GRASS token.